
Mobile Collection Point in Slatina and Poduiane, 15 November 2013
The Mobile collection point this month will be for Slatina and Poduiane regions, on 15 November 2013, from 8.30 to 14.30.
Please, bring the following hazardous waste, formed in the households, for free:
- Mercury and mercury containing appliances
- Varnish and paint materials
- Household detergents and chemicals
- Ink and used printing materials
- Pharmaceutical products (medicines with expired sell-by date)
The Mobile point will be placed on 67 Shipchenski prohod Blvd, in front of Slatina region administrative building.
0700 11 750 is the universal phone number for your inquiries and requests.
In section “About BalBok”/”Collection of Hazardous Waste from the Households” you will find the Information leaflet for easy identification of the hazardous waste, formed in the households and Schedule of Mobile collection point for 2013.
Additional information at:,,