About BalBok
Center for vocational training
Center for Vocational Training in the "Center for development of ecological infrastructure - CCL"
The Center for Vocational Training was established as a separate organizational unit within the Center for development of ecological infrastructure - CCL.
It is licensed by the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training and has license № 2015121217.
Main activity of the Center for Vocational Training is to carry out paid professional training, retraining and qualification of persons over the age of 16, according to their personal interests and abilities.
The Center activities are governed by the principles of legality, equality, partnership and close cooperation with state authorities and local authorities, employers, employees and others.
CVT organizes and conducts professional training, in accordance with the legal requirements:
- Training for second and third degree of professional qualification;
- Training for acquiring professional qualification of the profession;
- Validation of professional knowledge, skills and competencies;
- Training through work (dual training). The training is organized on the basis of partnership, including on the basis of a contract between "CDEI-CCL" Ltd. and one or more employers.
The Center organizes and conducts training seminars for people working in the local authorities (deputy Mayors and environmentalists) on issues relating to their work - developments in the regulatory framework, European and national programs and projects, presentation of best practices and more.
(Waste management. Training seminar for ecologists of municipalities.)
The Center carries out training for persons over 16 years of age, which health allows to study the chosen profession. Incoming educational level of candidates is completed grade of primary or secondary education, completed level of education (primary or secondary) or successfully completed course for literacy.
The Center’s organizational form of training is training course.
The Center organizes and conducts courses throughout the year depending on training needs and requirements.
Vocational training is carried out with different duration, intensity and volume in accordance with state educational requirements for various professions and specialties, depending on the purpose of training and according to the approved curricula, as well as requests of clients.
Theory training is held in own premises, meeting all requirements and equipped with the necessary technical means.
Practice training is done in own premises, laboratories and production plant, or hired under contract ones, meeting all requirements and equipped with the necessary technical means.
The chemical laboratories of the Center are at the highest European level in terms of equipment and furnishings. High-tech devices enable students to experience the most modern methods of analysis and testing.
The academic activities in theory and practice are carried out by experienced teachers with the necessary knowledge and skills for their respective professions and specialties.
If you are interested in organizing a training for employees of your company, you will find us at the following address: Stara Zagora, Novozagorsko Shose № 1 (former Agrobiohim -CHL).
We will be happy to answer your enquiries: tel. 042 656 488, mob. 0876729894 and e-mail: center_chl@balbok.com