Products and services
B-B Silo
Underground waste collection system SILO
SILO is a modern and efficient system for collection of waste and recycling material, which is mostly situated bellow the ground level. 60% of the bin capacity is underground. It is also a very stylish bin that fits in with its surroundings, including industrial sites, parks, beaches.
It can be installed in virtually any location and is extremely versatile for collecting different materials.
SILO containers are designed with an automatically closing, hermetically sealed lid, preventing wind or animals from scattering waste in the neighborhood.
SILO is an easy and safe solution for users, has low installation costs, a durable shock-proof and UV resistant structure, and requires almost no maintenance.
Watertight body and lid means that collected waste is not likely to become damp and mouldy. Thus, the successful recovery of the recycling material is guaranteed, as well as not allowing increase of the waste for disposal.
SILO uses bag lifting system (bags tested to ISO 21898) and is suitable for household waste, all types of recyclables, as well as some hazardous waste, such as contaminated packaging, adsorbents, etc.
The collection point can be built to the required dimensions by using different sized containers (with one, three and five cubic meter volume).
BalBok Engineering Co. is an exclusive distributor of SILO for Bulgaria since 2011.