Waste Management

Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer


Substances that deplete the ozone layer. Fluorinated greenhouse gases.

National and European legislation forbid producing, import, export, bringing to market and use of substances that deplete the ozone layer, as well as products and facilities, using, containing or made of substances that deplete the ozone layer.

There are strict requirements, concerning bringing to market, use, collection and storage, recycling, regeneration and disposal of ozone depleting substances, aiming prevention of improper handling, including accidental release in the atmosphere.

Controlled substances (refrigerants – R11, R12, R13 etc., halon, carbon tetrachloride, methyl bromide and others) are listed in the Gov. Act No 254 of 1999 and Regulations (EC) 1005/2009 and 842/2006.


BalBok’s permit is for collection, transportation, repacking and storage for disposal or recovery of waste classified 14 06 01* “Chlorofluorocarbons, HCFC, HFC” and 16 05 04* “Gases in pressure containers (including halons), containing dangerous substances”.

Our personnel hold certificates for reclamation of fluorinated greenhouse gas from refrigeration and air-conditioning systems.